Monday, 9 May 2011

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

"This Order's mentor and guiding light was the late Dr. Israel Regardie. The modern-day Order does not claim institutional lineage to the original H.O.G.D. but it does claim initiatory lineage to the original Order through Israel Regardie." - Ciceros
This is the first time the British arm of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® (H.O.G.D.) has presented itself in web site form. With the internet now playing such a major role in connecting those of like mind together we felt it time to shine the light a little further to those seeking guidance on the path and primarily living in Britain/Europe.
Whether you consider yourself a novice, an aspiring student or an adept in your own specialist field we hope you find something within our pages that aids your progressive journey toward the light. We aim to build this site into a treasure house of knowledge disseminated by those adepts and students alike who are keen to share their knowledge and insight with a wider community. Here you will find a treasure of previously unpublished manuscripts, papers and articles plus published material by noted and well respected authors in the field of magic. Some of the material on this site shall also be available in German and Italian through our brotherhood located in these countries.
The recommended links and recommended reading material sections only represent a small selection of the available wealth to be found but they are constantly being added to. If you feel able to contribute we welcome new submissions that are in-keeping with the Hermetic Tradition.
After reading about the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® in Britain and perhaps some of the related papers you find your heart and mind in accord with our Order we would like to hear from you .
We thank you for finding us and wish you well on your journey.
H.O.G.D. Britain, Winter Solstice 2007


  1. In order to prevent publich confusion and in order to protect the integrity of our trademark, the following legal clarification is required:

    The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn® trademark in all twenty-seven countries of the European Union, including in the UK, is the registered trademark of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega® (EU OHIM reg. 000063925).

    Our order is in no way affiliated with this blog.

  2. The correct link to our order world wide, including all across the EU, is
