This is a briefing on how to handle yourself while you are being interrogated by the police, what to watch out for and how not to incriminate yourself. Please read it carefully as your freedom, and that of others, may depend on what you say.ALWAYS DO NO COMMENT OR SILENT INTERVIEWS WHILE IN POLICE CUSTODY
Below are detailed some of the techniques they will use against you. By being aware of them, you will find it much easier to avoid falling for their tricks. Yes, it is a stressful situation, but numerous activists have got through it without any problems by following the simple guideline of not talking. Even though what you might have said does not lead to a conviction, it may give them vital leads for them to go on, whether for your own situation or others. You dont know the picture they are working from, so do not give them help in anyway to fill it out.
Always make sure you have a proper solicitor with you in an interview, who is going to back you up. Do not use the duty solicitor, and brief your solicitor beforehand that you intend to do a no comment interview. Ask them to make a statement to this effect at the beginning of the interview. If they advise otherwise, be insistant.
Remember, the police to do not want to help you ever! Everything they have to say to you is for one reason only: to secure a conviction.http://www.freebeagles.org/articles/interrog.html
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